Preview photos from the book HERE
Aside from sharing an obvious resemblance to dad Jeff Tweedy, it seems son Spencer is quite the artist, playing in at least two bands that we know of (The Blisters and Hungry Pilgrims), AND revcently releasing a book of square photos. That's right, the photos are square. Semi-interesting concept, but what's most notable is that Tweedy has quite an accomplished photographic eye.
This is what Spencer has to say about the book:
Once upon a time, I was reading an interview by one of my favorite photographers, Justin Ouellette, in which he referenced “the camera that will be with him for the long run” – a Hasselblad 500CM. Trust me when I say the obsession followed quickly. I didn’t have one, of course, but instead spent hours sometimes “researching” them and their brothers on eBay. This was not just a discovery of the Hasselblad breed, but my first encounter with medium format photography and the alternative perspective it offers.
For the next couple of months, I experimented in “faux-medium” by cropping my digital photographs into squares in an attempt to be reminiscent of the relatively defunct film genre. Eventually, a small portfolio of these pictures emerged, which I’ve now made into this here book-thing.
Check it out and, if so inclined, buy a copy of the book while they're still available.