
We Lost That Bet: ABBA Recording New Music!

As if we needed further proof that we are living in strange times, it was announced this morning that those sneaky Swedes in ABBA have been recording new music together for what they're billing as a full-scale reunion tour*.

Wait, what's the asterisk for? Did ABBA take steroids the year they beat out Sammy Sosa for the most HR's?

No, that was Mark McGwire, but the asterisk in this case is to signify that, while all four original members will be taking part in the ABBA Avatar tour, it will be a virtual reality tour.

A virtual what now?

For those who can still remember back to the turn of the century when the band were offered $1 billion to undertake a world reunion tour - an offer the group ultimately turned down - the idea that the four original members would reunite eighteen years later - in secrecy - comes as no surprise.

Like any great band, they've chosen to let their music do the talking and the ABBA brand has only gotten stronger in recent years due to the smash success of the "Mamma Mia!" stage play.

Of course, if the film version of "Mamma Mia" can't hurt the ABBA brand, nothing can.

Benny and Bjorn seem keenly aware of this, it seems, as they're rolling the dice on July 20 that "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again" (not kidding, that's actually what the movie is called), will actually improve greatly upon the critically-savaged first film. The sequel will star Meryl Streep, Cher, Amanda Seyfried, and, yes, Pierce Brosnan will be back too.

What brings the four original members of ABBA back together at this juncture is the opportunity to both record new music and film a virtual reality performance intended to tour the globe in the group's absence, much like what Pink Floyd's light show has been doing since 1988.

In hopes that this new music is a worthy addition to the band's beloved catalog, we've compiled our own ten favorite ABBA tunes.

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